Sunday, October 14, 2007

Andy and Mary's Visit

Jonathan and I inside one of the old planes at the Travis Air Museum.

Jonathan and I at V. Sattui Winery in Napa.
Turning my Mother-in-Law into a Wino. :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Nana and Papa's Visit

So, last Friday Nana and Papa got here and spent some time with Mason and I while Jonathan was on his trip. They just left this morning and Mason has been moping around and whining. He really loved hanging out with them :)
We took a trip into San Francisco on Sunday which was pretty fun. Yesterday we spent the day in Napa, driving around and wine tasting, which was also very fun. The weather was beautiful and the wine was good. Here are some pics of our Frisco trip.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bike ride!

Mason Roo's rippling Abdominals.

Jonathan and I on our Sunday bike ride.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I freakin wish I looked like Reese Witherspoon. Bah.

Monday, August 20, 2007

AKA - Middle of Nowhere.

Well, Jonathan left on his first mission last Thursday. They are doing a stage out of Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany. This morning I got a text message (calling is too expensive), from him saying that yesterday they were in Afghanistan, and today they are sitting around the Al Udeid Air Base in Doha, Qatar. He wasn't very descriptive about it, just saying that he would let me know when they ended up somewhere else.

Here is a website about the Al Udeid Air Base.
Pretty interesting...

Think good thoughts for Jonathan while he is traveling!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Nana And Papa's House

These are a few pictures taken out at my Grandparents house on my Grandpa's 70th birthday. Mason had some fun with the bull and horse from the property next door.

Me, Jeremy and Mason

Mason and Regal saying Hello!

Cow kisses.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Playing at the Base

Today we took Mason out to the Base to play a little fetch, and just run around. Later we went over to the duck pond where there is a playground, and he had a blast running up and down the slides. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera out, so I didn't get any pictures, but it was absolutely hysterical.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Just Hanging Out

Being Weird.

Chillin with Mama.

Snoozin with Daddy.

Sitting at home with Roo, bored.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...
was, thankfully, not the last one of my life.

2. Last night I...
I watched 'Don't Forget the Lyrics', ate some Chinese food and went to bed.

3. I smoke...
cigarettes, only sometimes when I drink.

4. Tomorrow I will...
hopefully get out of bed in time to take the dog for a walk, and then go to work. Oh, and hopefully not be throwing up anymore.

5. I love...
my Jonathan and my Roo and my Mommy and Daddy

6.My room is...
boring, lackluster, not conducive to relaxation, and messy.

7. My love life...
is married, what can I say.

8. I hate it when people..
are dumb, drive bad, and make stupid comments about my dog.

10. Marriage is...
a dying institution.

11. I used to..
be a lot more fun.

12. I'm always...

13. I have a secret crush on...
Peter Sarsgaard

15. My mobile phone...
works. I guess that's all that matters.

16. When I wake up in the morning....
I snuggle with Roo

17. Before I go to bed I...
I snuggle with Roo

18.right now i am thinking of....
Jonathan, wondering how his flight is going.

19. Babies are...
unfathomable to me right now.

20. I get on myspace...
at least twice a day.

21. Today I...
puked and layed around the house.

22. Tonight I will...
go to bed, cause the night's almost over.

23. I really want to...
go back to massage school.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Wingman

This is a picture of what we like to call Mason's "wing".
Fitting, since his Daddy is a Pilot.
You can also see the little mohawk down the back of his neck. Had it ever since he was born.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Couch - Naughty, naughty Mason

So, this is what Mason did to our (ugly) couch one day when I left him alone for about a half hour. I came in, saw the damage, and yelled "What is this??". He promptly rolled over and looked ashamed of himself, as you can see here, but it proved incredibly difficult to punish him, as I could not stop laughing. This was only the first attack. He proceeded to rip out even more foam from the bottom and and tear into one of the cushions, so there was a chunk missing from the corner. This couch has now been retired to the garage, where we don't have to look upon it's pitiful state anymore.

Mason with his Girlfriend Roxie

This is Mason and his first girlfriend, Roxie, snuggling on the couch.

Sadly for Mason, we had to move away shortly after these pictures were taken, so he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore. We are trying to find him one though.

Friday, August 3, 2007

posting order

Okay, these posts are kind of in the wrong order. The very first ones are the most recent, like the ones of Mason in the pool and watching TV. The Easy Button pictures are from January, but I just had to put them on here. From now on, I think, there should only be recent pictures.

Love Jess

Random Fun

I was watching the Dog Whisperer the other day, and when this Pit Bull came on, Mason perked right up and started watching.

This is his futon.

He loves snoozing on my Massage Table.

This is his new rope/ball toy that is almost too heavy for him to even carry around. We're building up those neck muscles!

Splish Splash!

Mason needed to cool off a little the other day. It was probably over 90 degrees outside and he got hot!